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Salmonella in Dog Food

Reduce the Risk of Salmonella Contamination in your Pet Food

Salmonella contamination is a serious concern for all pet food manufacturers. It creates a safety risk for customers, and the employees in the facilities where it’s made. It is such a serious concern that the FDA has implemented a zero-tolerance policy for pet food and treats, and regulators are closely monitoring this. So much so, that Salmonella contamination led to several pet food recalls in recent years. This includes serious recalls that took place in late 2023, one of which led to a class action lawsuit. How Standard Chicken Fat Can Lead to Salmonella Contamination Standard chicken fat is a common ingredient in pet food and is often the culprit when it comes to Salmonella contamination. That is because the chicken fat is typically added as a coating to the pet food kibble after the high temperature kill step in the extrusion process. If the chicken fat is contaminated with Salmonella, the food itself may also be contaminated. There has been a long-held belief that poultry products like chicken fat can be contaminated with Salmonella. It is also known that if additional water is present, Salmonella may survive and grow. Considering the manufacturing process, and the amount of water present, it is clear that Salmonella can exist. Furthermore, key nutrients that exist in standard chicken fat, such as essential metals and organic materials, can be

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