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Avoid Salmonella Contamination in your pet food

Avoid Salmonella Contamination in Your Pet Food Products and Comply with the FDA’s Zero Tolerance Guidelines

For several years now, the Pet Food Industry has experienced numerous recalls due to Salmonella. This typically is the direct result of contaminants in the ingredients, and when it comes to Salmonella the culprit of this contamination is typically chicken fat. When you consider that 44% of pet food recalls from 2017 to 2023 were caused by Salmonella, something the FDA has set a zero tolerance level for, it’s imperative that pet food manufacturers consider the ingredients in their formulations to avoid this risk. The FDA and Zero Tolerance for Salmonella In 2013, the Food and Drug Administration established a policy suggesting pet food manufacturers adhere to guidelines calling for zero presence of Salmonella in their products. This was due to a number of recalls that had taken place in the years before in which humans had developed severe illness as a result of coming into contact with pet food. In healthy pets, the risk of illness is low. Humans however, those who feed their pets and can have residue left on their hands or other areas, are quite susceptible to illness and even death from Salmonella. The FDA responded with this zero-tolerance policy for pet food, a standard that is much stricter than that of farm animal feed. Regulators are out in the field, testing products on store shelves and informing pet food manufacturers

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Reduce Trace Metals in Your Pet Food with Gold Shield® Refined Chicken Fat

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Salmonella in Dog Food

Reduce the Risk of Salmonella Contamination in your Pet Food

Salmonella contamination is a serious concern for all pet food manufacturers. It creates a safety risk for customers, and the employees in the facilities where ...

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